Debut And Go


MSNL IN 2017.

A new chapter begins which we see with the release of the EP and the new label Spec' Records and its first EP Voltage or its sounds Virus and Pandemik with the collaboration of DJS'PROD.

MSNL IN 2018.

He makes Electric a sound on his label Spec' Records, always in collaboration with DJS'PROD.

Then he does Zero Gravity (Reedition) (The End Of The Sound) also in collaboration with DJS'PROD.


MSNL IN 2020.

It will do Ready which works very well on Itune, Deezer, Amazon, Spotify and Youtube listening platforms.

In collaboration with DJS'PROD to produce a second EP Voltage or the music Power and Electrical Socket + Electric Poles on the Spec' Records label.

He will continue other music before waiting for the year 2021.


MSNL IN 2021.

He begins his BIG ANGEL saga following a tragic event in his family and will continue this saga then continue with other sounds before waiting for the year 2022.


MSNL IN 2022.

MSNL will debut songs from its saga called A BIG ANGEL OF A MAN on its Spec' Records label. Then produced his EP Keep Sweet Dreams with the sounds The Beginning Of Dreams and A Strange Dreams then Keep Sweet Dreams and The Magical Dreams with his label Spec' Records where this EP was a success on the listening platforms Itune, Deezer, Amazon, Spotify and YouTube.

He will pursue other music before waiting for 2023.


MSNL IN 2023.

The new MSNL logo will begin with new music called Just Do Mine, King Of The Universe.

Creation of a new sound called Space Eye from the MSNL logo.

MSNL has started its project, it will act alone on its sounds, and will continue the music on its MSNL Logo and on its Spec' Records label.



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